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Philosophy Success Stories

Jan 17, 2017

Daniela Kuthy - DVC philosophy graduate

Daniela KuthyI had been considering a major in Philosophy for some time, but my experience with the courses and professors at DVC has been the thing that has truly confirmed my passion and desire to pursue this subject. Through my study of Philosophy, I have come to understand that we all practice Philosophy everyday. Even the simplest questions can produce the most profound discussions. Philosophy is not just some ancient discipline the likes of Aristotle and Socrates (though their contributions to the field are still much appreciated) — it is a field that is constantly changing, evolving, and ever more critical to our understanding of society, reality, and of ourselves. Studying Philosophy has not only been immensely fascinating, as the field truly does possess so much to learn and discuss, but it has also made me a more perceptive and understanding person, and it has encouraged me to think and see beyond what I am given, reminding me to question everything. As the Philosophy tutor, I was able to share my passion with other students and discuss engaging topics ranging anywhere from Aristotle’s metaphysics to the moral justification of war. Not only was I able to cover and discuss the material, I was also able to hear and learn from students' interpretations, understandings, and new arguments from the philosophical text that I had yet to consider. Teaching Philosophy to my peers reaffirmed for me that this was something I wanted to continue doing in my life. When I attend the University of California San Diego this Fall (2022), I plan on majoring in Philosophy and hopefully continue my study in this discipline for many years to come. Ultimately, my goal is to pursue Philosophy at a high academic level, possibly receiving a doctorate degree at some point in the future.

Arielle Schussler - DVC philosophy graduate

Arielle Schussler“When I first came to DVC, I was intent on pursuing a Psychology major. But I took the Intro to Philosophy course during my first term. I was instantly hooked. I loved that we were reading primary texts, that our discussions were in-depth and illuminating, and that everything we read was then grounded and applied to our real-world experience. It is potentially very easy (or tempting) to dismiss Philosophy as abstract and antiquated, but I quickly realized in my classes at DVC that Philosophy is not only timeless, but also necessary to function as a human being in today’s society.

The Philosophy classes at DVC gave me the ability to articulate the questions I always wanted to ask and helped me formulate questions I never knew I wanted answered. I have always believed other majors taught you what to think, but Philosophy taught you how to think. And I started to learn how to think in those Philosophy classes at DVC.”

Lester Abesamis - DVC philosophy graduate

Lester Abesamis“Studying philosophy at DVC was definitely a formational and engaging experience. The approach to the material allowed me to be extremely introspective, which I feel has enhanced my overall worldview. I was able to appreciate the wisdom offered by both ancient and modern philosophers, as well as apply their views to other fields within the humanities.”

Kate Loveless - DVC philosophy graduate

Kate Loveless“My time at DVC gave me a well-rounded foundation in philosophy. I also found the professors to be incredibly invested in the success of their students. They helped me get through the grueling graduate school application process. I will be forever grateful for the time and care they invested in my future.”

Learn more about DVC's Philosophy program.





