The college governance committees are well underway this fall. With the November focus on everyone’s mind, the committees are keeping up with their work and moving forward into an uncertain future.
Please remember that all governance meetings are open to all members of the campus community; you are always invited to attend.
Budget Committee (BC)
Institutional Planning Council (IPC)
Integration Council (IC)
College Council (CC)
At the last BC meeting, the budget for 12-13 was reviewed and adopted. The BC will have to look at the budget again following the election and the outcome of proposition 30. BC discussed the impact to college finances in each of the scenarios if the proposition passes or fails. They continued a discussion from last term about increasing the committee membership by adding a second constituency representative from each group. This change of committee membership will be on the agenda at the next meeting.
BC will create the annual budget plan in October.
Current chairs: Ray Goralka (faculty), second chair Michael Almaguer (management)
IPC has not yet met this fall – but you have seen a lot about what the Strategic Planning
Taskforce is up to (see separate emails from Peter.)
Current Chairs: Tish Young (management) co-chair position is open
The IC has met twice this fall and is formulating its final recommendations for resource allocation. The recommendations will be contained in the 2011-12 Report, which will be finalized at their October meeting and forwarded to BC and then to CC.
Subsequent meetings this term will focus on themes chosen for 2012-13: “Clarify, Simplify, Improve!” as IC participates in improvement efforts and considers the following topics:
Current Chairs: Beth McBrien (faculty) and Kim Schenk (management)
College Council goals for fall 2012 are to:
Actions to achieve these goals:
Current Chairs: Rachel Westlake (management) and Nancy Deason (faculty)
It is now possible for ALL DVC constituencies, including our students, to access our governance committee minutes and agendas through the Insite portal. Follow links above or log on to the portal, click on the committee tab, and scroll down to the list of DVC committees.