Governance at a Glance February 2013

This spring our governance groups are continuing their work with the psychological and financial relief of Prop 30 passing.

All governance meetings are open to all members of the campus community; you are always invited to attend.

What is in this issue:

Budget Committee (BC)
Institutional Planning Council (IPC)
Integration Council (IC)
College Council (CC)

Budget Committee (BC)

The Budget Committee is approaching the deadline for its annual budget allocation recommendation to the College Council. With the passage of Proposition 30 significantly changing the budget climate, the committee is now recommending spending down the college reserve and using more one-time funds this year.

Goals for the rest of the year include: revise/write the DVC procedures on budgeting, and update the Budget Committee membership and charge for the committee handbook. Budget Committee will work on completing a tentative budget for 13-14 by the June deadline.
Current chairs: Ray Goralka (faculty), second chair Michael Almaguer (management)

Institutional Planning Council (IPC)

The IPC and its new membership will be working with the Strategic Planning Writing Group on the first draft of the new plan. While the Writing Group prepares the first draft, the IPC will read and comment on DVC’s progress on the expiring Strategic Plan to inform the new plan. Other tasks include the finalization of college-wide planning documents, and the evaluation of major college wide plans due for renewal. IPC continues to refine its planning charge with the College Council.
Current Chairs: Tish Young (management) co-chair position is open

Integration Council (IC)

The Integration Council has developed a template to gather qualitative information from the program reviews. The members are in the midst of reviewing and analyzing the qualitative aspects of Program Review with the goal of informing the development of goals and objectives of the college-wide Strategic Plan. Council members will also participate in contributing to Program Review continuous improvement efforts.
Current Chairs: Beth McBrien (faculty) and Kim Schenk (management)

College Council (CC)

The College Council has completed its review of recommendations from the Integration Council for Program Review. The Integration Council has forwarded numerous ideas for an improved, more efficient and effective Program Review process. Additionally, the College Council continues to review the self-evaluations of committees and update the Handbook on College Committees.

The council is developing a flow chart that demonstrates the roles and reporting structure of committees, task forces, and on-going work groups. The sustainability of committee membership is an on-going challenge of the College Council in terms of representation from each constituency group.
Current Chairs: Rachel Westlake (management) and Nancy Deason (faculty)

For the charges and functions of the above committees, please see the College Committee Handbook.

All DVC constituencies, including our students, to access our governance committee minutes and agendas through the Insite portal. Follow links above or log on to the portal, click on the committee tab, and scroll down to the list of DVC committees.