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Extended Opportunity Programs and Services (EOPS)

Spring 2025 Application

Apply Now

EOPS is a comprehensive retention and support program designed to promote the academic success of low-income and educationally disadvantaged students.


The following services are available to eligible students free of cost:

  1. Counseling
    • Professional counseling appointments (academic, career, personal). Contact
    • EOPS Zoom counseling drop-in fall hours: TBD
  2. Extra Support and Community Building
    • Peer-to-peer support
    • Friendly, available staff ready to answer your question (email
    • Community building activities and workshops
  3. Direct Financial Assistance

    • CARE study-time grants (budget permitting)
    • Work-study assignments (budget permitting)
    • EOPS book vouchers

    Note: Book vouchers and grants are awarded based on available funding. Amounts vary each semester.

  4. Tutoring

    EOPS tutors are available to answer questions Monday through Thursday, 9 am to 3 pm, in person at BWL 210 and online. Find the tutoring Zoom link and information on the EOPS Canvas page (to access the Canvas page, email

  5. Academic Assistance and Outreach
    • Priority registration
    • Semester supply kits (budget permitting)
    • DVC information and resource referrals
    • New student orientation
    • Community outreach presentations
    • Summer Institute - for incoming first-time college students
  6. Four-Year College Transfer Assistance
    • CSU/UC admission application fee waivers
    • Transfer application review and assistance
    • Transfer institution campus tours
    • CSU EOP nominations and recommendations
    • Scholarship for transfer students

Important Deadlines

  • Friday, April 4, 2025: Complete mid-semester check-in with EOPS Peer Advisor
  • Friday, April 4, 2025: Complete progress reports for each class
  • Friday, May 23, 2025: Complete two counseling appointments

Eligibility and Requirements

    • Be a California resident or qualify for AB 540 status (e.g., meet California resident requirements) 
    • Be enrolled in 12 units or more (special exceptions for students in DSS, former/current foster youth and student parents)
    • Qualify for the California Promise Grant (method A or B)
    • Be considered "educationally disadvantaged" as determined by EOPS guidelines (Note: EOPS Staff will screen for this and inform you if you meet this determination.)
    • Not have completed more than 70 degree-applicable units in any combination of higher education institutions
  • Complete the following EOPS semester requirements to remain in good standing with the program:

    1. Complete two EOPS counseling appointments. There are multiple ways to schedule:
      • Schedule an appointment yourself through a system called eSARS:

        Please note: Appointments can only be scheduled two weeks in advance. eSARS will not show appointments beyond 2 weeks of the current date.

      • Use the EOPS Counseling Appointment Request Form to request an appointment.

        Please note: You will receive a response to your request form within 24-48 business hours. 

      • Call the EOPS office at 925-969-2117 to schedule an appointment.
    2. Complete EOPS progress reports in each of your classes.
    3. Complete one mid-semester check-in with EOPS Peer Advisor.
    4. Complete 67% of your attempted units.
    5. Complete the semester with a 2.00 or better GPA.
  • EOPS progress reports are a key tool for Success and one of the EOPS semester requirements. By completing progress reports, you will be able to provide and receive feedback about your classes, get a sense of how you are doing in classes, and identify areas where you may need additional support.

    Progress reports are required for each of your academic classes. All students must also complete a mid-semester check-in. See important dates above for deadlines.

    You can also join our EOPS Canvas and find the links and other important announcements and information. Email to get information on how to join our EOPS Canvas page.

    If you have questions, email or call 925-969-2117.

Mar 20

Connection Corner

Connection Corner: EOPS, CARE/CalWORKs

March 20, 2025

10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.

San Ramon

Apr 17

Connection Corner

Connection Corner: EOPS, CARE/CalWORKs

April 17, 2025

10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.

San Ramon

May 15

Connection Corner

Connection Corner: EOPS, CARE/CalWORKs

May 15, 2025

10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.

San Ramon

Contact Us

Pleasant Hill Student Services Center - SSC Room 127

Hours: M-Th 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.F 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.